Shopping at Silk and Thread is easy: Use the e-store link to find what you like. Once you have found an item, choose your size and click on the ‘ADD TO CART’ button on the product page. Review the items in your shopping bag by clicking the ‘SHOPPING CART’ link at the top of the page. You can add or remove any items before checking out. Click on ‘PROCEED TO PURCHASE’ to complete your order.

You can shop at Bareezé without creating an account. However, register with us and you’ll be able to enjoy the following benefits Track your orders and review past purchases Save your address and payment details so you can shop even quicker next time Manage your email preferences and edit important information.

Creating an account at Silk and Thread is very simple. Simply click theRegister button and fill in a small form with all your particulars. Please note that fields accompanied with an asterisk (*) are mandatory to fill out. Once you have created an account, you can simply log on to the site & ‘sign in’.

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